My Story
My story starts as most...
I was sick and tired (literally and figuratively) of traditional medicine giving me the runaround or telling me that my symptoms could only be solved with medication (or that my symptoms didn't mean anything). So, as any good nerd with a degree in neuroscience and psychology does, I researched my health problems and found, to much surprise, that I had the ability to heal myself with food, lifestyle, water and a few supplements here and there. My health improved and I ventured forward in life with a new sense of freedom, empowerment and astonishment for the credit I never gave my body. The field of health and nutrition always remained steadfast in my mind and heart but I dedicated my life to working in the mental health field with adults and teens. After six years, I was still passionate about mental health but my body and mind were exhausted from the emotional and physical roller coaster that the mental health field inevitably brings. And the nutrition and health seed that had sprouted years ago grew to be a large voice and calling that I couldn't ignore. With several twists of fate later, I began to work as an assistant to Kathy Westover of To Your Health! Nutrition and soon began school at Nutritional Therapy Association. I quickly fell in love with the school's philosophy of hands-on techniques paired with nutritional therapy as a way to individualize care for each client and the belief that we all contain an innate intelligence that guides us to what the body truly needs. Today, I am humbled that my journey has led me to my calling that combines my passions, education and experiences into one practice. I hope to soon learn your story and become a part of your journey to health and empowerment.